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GOTHAM CITY SKYLINE – SUNSET – FALL Gothic towers of granite and glass shimmer golden in the late day sun. WRITING – CLOSE "The Bat Must Die!" THUNDER.

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Lightning flashes again, illuminating a madman's scrawled writing on the wall. Now they yank him up so he spins frantically from the ceiling fan. The sheets around the chair have been rigged. An orderly, gagged, sits bound to the chair with bedsheets. A figure sits in shadow, bound by the wraps and ties of a straight jacket, gaze fixed out the window. A single window casts the room in pallid moonlight. GUARD Hell of a night, huh Doc? BURTON Hell's in here. Criminal maniacs sealed behind protective casings. BURTON, the Chief Psychiatrist moves down the old hallway, face tense. Sudden lightning CRACKS, illuminates the aged structure, the hanging metal sign. ARKHAM ASYLUM – NIGHT A castle of shadow. By Akiva Goldsman Lee Batchler Janet Scott BatchlerĮXT.

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